
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Is There a "BEST" Time for a Book Release?

Is There a “BEST” Time for a Book Release?


What’s the best time to release a new book? Having missed my release deadline for my new suspense novel, I’ve been doing a lot of pondering on the subject. I released my first book in July, and was hoping to get the second one on in December, in time for Christmas gift giving.
Now it’s back to decision time.

Some thoughts on when to release:
1.     Summer – People are busy during the summer. There are so many things to do, that reading may be at the bottom of their list. But there are vacations, right? Nothing better than a good book while lying on a chaise next to the pool!
2.     Spring – Again, a time when everyone’s thinking about their yards, weddings, graduations, etc. But also, they are planning vacations. Might be the time for buying those vacation books!
3.     Winter holiday season – This might seem ideal, but once more, people are stressed out with everything they have to do, and may be putting books and reading on the back burner. But books as gifts may change the equation, right?
4.     Post-holidays – What better way to laugh at cabin fever than with a good book? Not as many things going on, may be the perfect release time.
5.     Autumn – Everyone’s favorite season. A great time for reading? Could be perfect if you’re writing horror or suspense. Anything tied to the occult, too. Bring it on in October!
6.     October and February - I’ve added these months as a multi-published author recently touted those as the best months for a book release.  

            What’s the answer? Well, one could get the book ready early, then choose to wait until December (or October or February) to release it, but who among us authors wants to wait once our “baby” is ready?
            Tell us, what do you think? Is the holiday season the best time for a new release?

Dear Readers,
I really wanted my new suspense novel, Relative Malice, to be on Amazon as both an ebook and print book before Christmas. I figured books would be peaking in sales at that time. I didn’t make it.
            I’ve consoled myself, thinking maybe a January debut would be even better. People would have more time with their shopping done, parties over, and company gone home. Sour grapes? Hard to tell. And personally, the Christmas season is not the best time for an author. Add the stress of everything that goes into getting a book ready to release to that of preparing for the holidays, and it makes a less than joyless season for a writer!
            Suggestions? I’d love to hear them!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Eek! It's Christmas Week

 Eek! It’s Christmas Week 

(And I’m feeling fat already.)

      Trying to follow my own tips, I’m fighting to eat less on days there are no parties, no company, or 
dining out. And during those eating events, I’m savoring the things I really love without (almost 
without) overindulging.  I’ve managed to pass up the things that aren’t favorites and the desserts when
I’m already stuffed. 

      Doesn’t seem like much, you say?

      Then you most likely have never had a serious weight problem and shouldn’t be reading this blog! 
But seriously, it is the small changes that make a big difference. 

I’m having company this week for Christmas. Here some tips for serving guests. 

1. If possible, put prepared treats far out of sight and reach unless they’re being served to everyone.

2. Don’t give up the things you love. Give yourself permission to indulge, but only on the things you 
enjoy the most. Pass up foods you can live without.

3. As host or hostess, serve things that are not your personal favorites. 

4. When entertaining, have holiday containers and wrap on hand. Send leftover temptations home with your guests. Be assertive!

5. At a party, fill yourself one plate of the things you enjoy the most and savor every bite. DON”T stand at the buffet and nibble.

7. Always have a mental plan before a food event. Then stick to it. This battle is all about awareness.
8. If you do have a bad day or two, follow up with two good days and forgive yourself.

Please feel free to comment and leave any additional tips that work for you!

Dear readers,
So far, I’ve managed not to gain weight during the holiday season. It’s been especially hard as I’ve been doing the final proofing on my next book and all of you writers know how stressful that can be. And for me, food is my first choice as a stress-sedative!
Here’s wishing all of you a wonderful Christmas week! If you’re driving, drive safely, free of alcohol and cell phones. We want to see you next week!

Merry Christmas to all,


P.S. Sorry about the formatting above! For some reason, Blogspot is not recognizing my edits this week.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012



I made it through Thanksgiving week without gaining weight! But now the parties and treat trays have started. The lure of high-calorie temptation beckons and I feel myself weakening. It’s time to renew my vow of stability over the holidays.
            Lady Gaga sings, “I’m On The Edge of Glory,” wearing next to nothing with every lean inch of her looking great, her inspiring message nudging me to remember my vow. These are the days that put me on the edge of fatness. I need to remain aware.
            Complacency is that little devil inside me that keeps saying, “Go ahead. This is the season to enjoy. Worry about it later.”
It’s so easy to get caught up in all the good cheer and good food that surrounds me. Every day it’s getting harder not to fall into the sedated state of overeating. I keep telling myself I’d rather feel good about my body than overindulge. Staying aware is half the battle.
            Here come my tips for the party season. Excuse me if some are repetitive, but those may be worth reviewing—or tacking on the bathroom mirror.
              1 - Join a conversation as far from the food table as possible. 
              2 - I’ve been watching thin people and noticed that they don’t nibble. They take a small cocktail plate, fill it with offerings from the display, and DON’T go back. Follow their lead.
              3 - Bring a pack of gum. As soon as you’ve finished your plate, put a piece into your mouth as a reminder not to keep nibbling. It works!
  4 - Only eat the things you really want. The hostess won’t notice you’ve passed up one or two items.
  5 - On non-party days, eat sensibly!
  6 - Box and wrap all home made goodies as soon as they’re finished baking and gift them as soon as possible. Store them in a spot you won’t be tempted to pick at them every hour.

Dear readers,
One of my followers admonished me for encouraging restraint. It is, after all, the season to rejoice and indulge, he told me. But it is possible to indulge without ending up in January with a thicker waistline. The most important tip is to eat smart on the days there are no parties, and remember if you have an event in the evening, it doesn’t give you license to begin feasting early in the day!
Enjoy the Christmas season. Wishing all of you happy and healthy days ahead.

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Ten Pounds of Christmas

The Ten Pounds of Christmas

            I gain ten pounds every year at Christmas.
How is that possible? It’s easy. I start in October. Then I struggle to take off my “Christmas fat” in January and February.
            This shameful acquisition of the bulge begins in October with Halloween candy. (And I don’t have small children to blame its presence on.) October is candy month. Any candy that comes into this house during October is for yours truly.
Then there’s snacking during football games—an annual ritual—the home team couldn’t win if I weren’t encouraging them in front of the TV with the cheers of my crunching.
            In November I vow that I will NOT gain weight over the holidays this year. But, having made that vow, the terror of holiday goodie deprivation niggles at me. The only cure for this tweak of conscience is—guess what?—a bowl of buttered popcorn and the last of the Halloween candy.
            Then comes the mother of all eating events, Thanksgiving. It would be a sin to diet on Thanksgiving, wouldn’t it? How else would I show my thankfulness except by indulging in everything the buffet has to offer? Someone went to a lot of trouble to cook all that goodness; it would be rude to pass it up.
            I hardly need to remind you what December brings. But I will: parties, Christmas cookies on display everywhere I go, gifts of home made treats, boxes of fudge and chocolates . . . the list goes on.
            I’m not sure January would be the same without digging out my “fat” clothes, bemoaning my food transgressions of the previous ten weeks, and joining a diet group for the umpteenth time. It’s all part of the post-holiday depression syndrome, that and the drifts of snow that nearly cover our west-facing windows.
Forgive me if you’ve seen this blog before. Yes, I posted it last year and did a weekly add-on until the second week of January. The reason for this repetition? It worked! I gained a mere ½ pound last year. So, hopefully, along with this blog and my weekly trip to TOPS, I can do it again this year.
The holiday season is especially hard for writers. Not only do we have to find time for all things holiday, we frantically try to keep up with our writing and all the things that accompany it. And what’s the easiest cure for stress? Food, of course. Much easier to grab a bag of chips than go for a walk in the frigid air, right?
So please join me for tips, camaraderie, and friendly banter. Together we’ll keep our writing up and our weight down!

Tip of the week:  Dealing with leftovers.

If you're the hostess, be armed with stacks of plastic containers. They're inexpensive, and you can box everything up and send it home with your guests. Be assertive!
If you're stuck with rich goodies, and don’t want to eat them, freeze it or throw it out. But make sure it’s in the garbage with something disgusting enough to prevent retrieving it in a moment of mad craving!

Dear readers,
I plan to continue blogging on the holiday weight-gaining dilemma weekly. Each week I’ll add a new tip on how to buck holiday weight gain. This will be the second year of the series. It really helped me last year, along with joining TOPS before, rather than after, the holiday season. I plan to have another no-weight-gain holiday season. Please join me.
Till next week,

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Count Your Blessings!

Count Your Blessings!

What you think about manifests itself prominently in your life. Take time to appreciate what you have and all that you are. If you’re feeling so down that you can’t think of anything you’re grateful for, consider these powerful gifts—keep in mind they’re only a fraction of the many you possess.

Can you see?
If so, take a moment to be grateful for your vision. Savor a radiant sunrise, new buds on a tree, the beauty of snowflakes on a winter day. Don’t forget the ability to read an entrancing book—it’s priceless.

Can you hear?
With a fresh awareness, enjoy your favorite music, the voices of your loved ones, the sound of children’s laughter, the wind whistling through the pine trees, a crackling fire on a frigid day. Imagine having to live without hearing.

Can you speak?
With your words, you can console a loved one, comfort a child, say, “I love you,” and inspire others to action. Speaking through the written word is a gift in itself. Be grateful for your writing talent.

Can you smell?
Close your eyes and inhale deeply through your nose. Imagine the fragrance of spring flowers, the cologne of a loved one, Thanksgiving dinner, the sharp, pure smell of fresh snowfall. You can smell them all without even having them near. 

You can think!
We take for granted our ability to think, to direct our lives, control our destinies. How amazing it is to be able to read a book, or write one. The gift of thought and learning has no price tag. Cherish it!

The more you are grateful for, the more you will learn to love your life. Write down ten things you are grateful for and look at them often. Think about how much better it is to dwell on all the things you’re grateful for than spending time mired in negative thoughts.

Dear readers,
I wish all of you a happy, healthy Thanksgiving Day, full of good food and surrounded by loved ones. Many of us aren’t able to experience a Norman Rockwell-perfect holiday, and because of it, don’t take time to enjoy what we do have. My own family has dwindled over the years, and holidays aren’t what they used to be. I’ve learned to relish what I do have: a visit from my son, dinner in a fine restaurant, or even a day alone to spend as I wish. Many people don’t even have these.
Let’s count our blessings.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Collect Ammunition Against Negativity

Collect Ammunition Against Negativity

It will happen. You know there’ll be days when you feel like a slice of three-week old bread. Those are the days you’ll need to call up your reserves—you need help.
            Why would you want to prepare for those days ahead of time? Having a stockpile of ammunition comes in handy when your inner critic rears its ugly head. That inner voice that says you’re not good enough to write a jingle, much less a complex novel.
            No matter how good you are at liking yourself, the critic-monster will sneak back in. It’s extremely crafty and not easily booted out. The inevitability of its reappearances in our lives is why we need to be prepared.
            Negative thoughts keep you from having loving relationships, getting the job you want, and from finishing your novel. They may be the only things holding you back from succeeding!
             Here are some ideas for positive ammunition:
1.     Visualize eliminating your inner critic. Picture yourself rubbing it out of your life with a giant eraser, or tossing it in the basket of a hot air balloon and watching while it floats into the stratosphere.
2.     Create a library of inspiring books. There are so many to choose from for writers! Don’t just download the free ones to your kindle—read them!
3.     Write down every good thing anyone’s ever said about you and your writing. Jot down all those morale-boosters and read them over whenever you feel the need.
4.     Always remember you have a choice. Next time life deals you a setback, remember you can change the one thing you have control over—your attitude. Do whatever it takes to get back in a positive frame of mind.
5.     Get some exercise. A brisk walk around the block can do wonders for your attitude and spark creativity. Invest in a small digital recorder and take advantage of this heightened spark. You’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish.
6.     Look for someone to praise. Complimenting others can’t help but make you feel better about yourself.
7.     Watch an uplifting movie, or turn on your favorite music.

Dear readers,
How did you feel about this exercise? Did you resist it, resent it, even think, “Why bother?” That attitude might represent the way you treat your body, your writing and your entire life. Take time to think about what you love about yourself and all of your accomplishments. Now’s the time to shine!
All you NaNoWriMo’s out there, take heart. It will be over soon. Take time to read what you’ve already written and give yourself a pat on the back!
Have a great week everyone,
(This blog inspired by Pam Grout’s Treasure Hunt.)

Saturday, November 3, 2012



Who needs them?

An independently published author has the advantage of never being required to work toward a deadline. But, then, there are also those pesky, self-imposed deadlines. Are they a necessary evil or are they the death of our creativity? The procrastination bug hounds us all; distractions surround us at every turn. We all need to find a way to work toward the things we want to achieve.
How about goals? Are they merely deadlines in disguise? Maybe they are, but goals merged with deadlines, get things done. If you’re a new author, you need to establish habits that will support your work throughout your writing career. An experienced author can draw from what’s worked for him/her in the past, fine-tuning as he matures in his writing habits. A new author must establish good work habits early on.
And authors are not the only ones who need to develop a system for achieving their goals and meeting their deadlines.
            Some ways to make deadlines less painful;
1.     Think long-term. This keeps expectations realistic. Goals and deadlines can always be readjusted, but avoid stressing yourself by making them urgent.
2.     Supplement the long-term with daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Breaking down any large project into doable increments will keep you from feeling overwhelmed.
3.     Give yourself flexibility. A daily deadline of one page of writing may be easily doable, but it also allows you to miss a day and do two, and then catch up the next day.
4.     Don’t just make goals or deadlines and forget about them: Write them down, post them on your computer, keep a notebook.

Dear Readers,
 Many of us work better with a deadline looming. It’s hard, however, to stick to one that is self-generated! One way to set up a deadline for yourself is to get on a waiting list for reviews, editing, proofing, formatting, etc. Then, in order to use the services of the professional you’ve chosen, you’ll have to have your manuscript ready in time. This one works pretty well for me. Tell us what works for you.
Take care, and have a great week,

Friday, October 19, 2012

Halloween for Writers

Halloween for Writers
Inspiring, frightening, or fattening?

I love Halloween. I love autumn. We dress up our kids, ourselves, decorate our yards, and we buy candy for the trick-or-treaters.
For us writers? All the hoopla, history, and sights of Halloween, inspire our creativity. And this is true not only for those writers whose genre fits in with horror, mystery, or suspense. What memoir doesn’t have a story or two to tell about the best and worst Halloween experiences? What romance or mystery plot isn’t spiced up by an in-costume scene? Halloween and autumn scenery are excellent backdrops, no matter the genre.
            Lurking behind all that good stuff is the truly horrifying  Halloween monster—candy cravings. Who is more susceptible to them than someone chained to a desk?
I don’t know about the rest of you, but we still buy Halloween candy even though the grandkids live hundreds of miles away, and trick-or-treaters never show up this far from town!
            Halloween tips for writers:
1)   Tap into your heightened creativity! Write a short story, a flash fiction piece, or incorporate a Halloween scene into your novel or novella. Describe a fall scene in your latest work.
2)   When buying candy for the kids, buy something you’re less likely to dip into, i.e., forget the candy bars and stick with hard candy, apples, or bubble gum.
3)   If your kids come home with a haul, have them hide it from you. They’ll love the challenge!
4)   If you just have to have some candy, ask someone in the family to hide a bag of mini-Snicker’s bars for you (or whatever you can’t resist) and only dole out two at a time to you, after dinner.
5)   Wear a costume for the trick-or-treaters.
6)   Do something fun! Find a party, volunteer at a church celebration for kids, invite some friends over. Make the most of the holiday.
Dear Readers,
Here’s wishing you a fun Halloween. There’s a spooky story waiting for you under my “short story” tab, if you want to get in the mood. (It’s very short, I promise, but not flash-fiction!) Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What to Do When You Just Don’t Feel Like It!

Writers – What to Do When You Just Don’t Feel Like It!

            It isn’t writer’s block. It’s not a glitch in the process. You know where your writing is going and what the next step will be. But—you feel like you need to tie yourself to the computer to get anything done. Any little distraction takes you away from what you should be doing.
            Sound familiar?
            I just got back from a rather grueling two-day, 500-mile trip. I returned home to find to 278 emails to address, three projects awaiting completion, a blog to write, and a submission to send to my critique group, which I hadn’t finished writing. And my dog keeps staring at me because she hasn’t had a walk in two days!  What I really feel like doing is nothing.
            The topic for this blog was easy—how to get out of this state.
1)   Determine just what’s going on. Feeling overwhelmed? Tackling too much at once? Decide if you really need to do something else, something unrelated to anything to do with your writing.
2)   If it is getting away that you need, make sure it’s something fun.
3)   If you’re hiding from a long list of things to do, start small.
4)   Make a list of everything that needs doing. Then do everything on the list that’s short. The feeling of well-being you get from their completion will get you back in the swing of things.
5)   If your list is short, and all the things on your list are big projects, allot 30 minutes to each of them every day until they’re finished.
6)   Read a great book, preferably in your own genre. This will inspire you to look at your writing with new eyes.
7) A reader just added a great tip! Put on your favorite music and let it restore your creativity and inspire you. Experiment a little and try classical music. It is said to spike creativity.

Dear readers,
I’ve been doing a little of all these things to get out of my rut today. Got this blog done, my submission in, and took the dog for a long walk. For me, walking stokes my creative juices. I’m feeling much better now and am back to a heightened state of productivity.
If you have some things that work for you, let us know. It’s always helpful to get feedback from our writer-friends!
Hope you’re all having a great week,

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Proofing - When to quit!

Proofing – When to quit!

            The most common mistake made by self-published authors, is trusting their manuscript to proofing by their own eyes. Pinpointing one’s own errors can be a real crapshoot. It’s even difficult for a professional proofer; the temptation to get caught up in the story lurks in the background, daring the proofer to skip over errors.
            When I published my first novel, I proofed it myself and also had a friend proof it for me. It wasn’t long before I found out the hard way—in a review—the book was loaded with proofing problems. I reproofed it two more times. When the print version came out, I proofed it once more only to have someone tell me there were so many problems in the book that she couldn’t even read it! I finally woke up to a very bitter truth. The only way to publish a product that reads like it was not written by an amateur, is to hire a professional proofreader.
            Yes, the pros can be expensive but more services are available every day, and some are still affordable.
Thoughts on proofing.
1)   When I talk about proofing, remember in the true sense, proofing only looks for obvious errors, such as spelling, typos, punctuation, inconsistencies, etc. If you want something more in depth, you’ll need an editor, a line editor, or copy-editor.
2)   In considering services for hire, make sure you have them define exactly what they’ll be doing for you. The line between the different services listed above is not exact. There is a lot of overlap depending on who's explaining the process. Always be certain what you'll be getting before committing yourself to anyone’s service.
3)   Know what you want done. Don’t pay for proofing if what you really want is someone to give you feedback on your story or your writing style.
4)   Before using anyone’s services, ask for a list of authors he/she has done work for. Don’t be shy about contacting them.
5)   Before signing up, be sure to ask how long it will take before the work is completed. And be mindful, when you hire an individual, you always run the risk of extended timelines due to problems in their personal lives.
6)   Use services that require only a deposit before you see the final product.
7)   If you aren’t convinced you need a proofer, keep in mind there are many promotion sites and reviewers who will not accept books that have not been professionally proofed. Some even require professional editing.
8) Is it possible to proof too much? Unlike editing, the answer is no. But don't forget, even best-sellers have a few typos.
9)   There are many services out there, but here are a few I’m familiar with who are affordable and do a good job:

Red Pen Proofreading & Editing  
April, an excellent editor and proofer who works for our local paper, is a friend of mine and has worked on both of my novels.

I haven’t used Steve’s services yet, but have heard good things from other authors I know.

Karen Syed, at Sassy Gal,   
Karen, a member of Sisters In Crime, was recommended to me by a friend. She’s done proofing for me and she did an excellent job. Her service also has package deals that include all aspects of readying your book for print, including formatting and covers. My spouse has used her for his non-fiction book.

Melissa Gray, Melissa is highly recommended by authors whose opinion I value, and she has reasonable rates. She's affiliated with Steve Caresser of eprinted books, (see above).

Alastair, at, I haven’t used this service yet, but was impressed with his rates and prompt responses.

Dear Readers,
A special thank you to all my new followers. It’s fun to read your blogs. Keep sending links to them with your comments!
Once more, I’d like to remind you of two things I’ve learned the hard way: Proofing is important, and don’t use a service unless you have either had it recommended to you by a friend or asked the service for a list of other authors who have used them.
Have a great week, everyone,

Monday, September 24, 2012

Is Writing Hazardous to Your Health?

Is Writing Hazardous to Your Health?

(And if it is, what you can do about it.)

Stress, inactivity, and a diet lacking in the proper nutrients, are three culprits often blamed for making any number of diseases worse, and even making us vulnerable to them in the first place.
            As writers, we hit the trifecta of bad health habits every day! We sit in front of our computers for hours, neglect healthy eating habits, and are in constant angst with a plethora of stressors: writing a certain amount a day, finishing our projects, formatting them, proofing them, marketing our wares.
            We need to be alert to these dangers and find ways to take care of ourselves. It’s difficult to focus on good writing if you’re feeling rotten.
Some ways to take care of yourself:
1.     Build time into your schedule for exercise. Find something you enjoy, (I recommend walking. Preferably with a dog!), and build time into your schedule for it every day.
2.     Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. I know, then you’ll have to get up and pee a lot, but that short trip to the bathroom will give your circulation time to regroup.
3.     Set a timer for every 30 minutes. Stand up and do something that takes your eyes off the computer screen and moves your body. If it helps, have a list of things other than writing you can fit in.
4.     While sitting, routinely move your legs and stretch your arms. There are lots of “chair exercises” available online. Find a few you can do while writing and add them to you goal list. If money is no object, look into the new treadmills with computer stands.
5.     Get in the habit of taking deep breaths, the kind from your abdomen up, at least five an hour while you’re sitting.
6.     Most writers’ stress comes from the feeling of being overwhelmed with all the things we need to do in a day. Use goal setting to keep on track, and refer to it often. It’ll keep procrastination to a minimum, and you’ll get those projects done with a lot less stress.
7.     Make sure to get enough sleep! Try to stay on a consistent, seven to eight hours sleep a night schedule. Resist the lure of writing into the wee hours of the night unless you have enough time to make up for it the following day.
8.     Don’t overlook fun! Make time for your loved ones and the things you enjoy doing. Especially those things that keep you active.
9.     Keep your kitchen stocked with healthy snacks you can enjoy at your desk. I understand it’s a lot more gratifying to grab a bag of chips, a quick cookie, or a candy bar, but remember the nutrients in one banana will keep your brain functioning at peak for hours!
10. Give yourself a pat on the back. Get out of the habit of negative thinking. When you find that you’re beating up on yourself, take a minute and write down all the positive things you’ve accomplished.

Dear readers,
I so enjoy receiving your comments. Add your blog info when you comment, so I can visit your site, too.
            Being over fifty, I find these tips even more critical and wanted to share them with you. I talked about goal setting last week, and I’d advise adding some of these to your list. The great thing about writing for us older authors is it’s something we can do even from a wheelchair or a bed! But we don’t want to rush ourselves to that point, do we? So let’s stay aware of our needs while we work at our writing. It pays off!
Thanks for stopping by,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Magic Tip


Is it really magic? No, it’s not magic and its simplicity will amaze you. Use goal-setting habits to maintain an awareness of where you’re going in your writing and what needs to be done.
            When I was writing my first novel, I had a copy of Walter Mosley’s This Year You Write Your Novel, and used its advice to get my book finished. Mosley advocates writing a certain amount every day no matter what—set a number of words, stick to it, and your novel will be done in under a year.  Did it work for me? Not in a year, but I went on to complete the novel and had it for sale on Amazon within three years. My second novel, soon to be published, took a little more than a year.
            There is no magic. There are no secrets. It takes discipline and hard work to complete a novel. Setting goals for your writing can help make it happen.
1.    Long-term goals. These are what keep you going. Without that long-term dream to be a published writer, it won’t happen. Write down your goals for the year and look at them often.
2.    Short-term goals. These keep you writing and are critical in avoiding things like writer’s block and the blahs. I find weekly goals the most useful and make them realistic based on how many things non-related to writing I might have to attend to that week. An example of weekly goals might be:
- Write at least a page a day.
- Keep up the outline for my novel
- Put in at least two review or interview requests
- Do my weekly blog.
- Spend 30 minutes keeping up on Twitter.
Put your weekly goals on an index card and prop it up on your computer where you won’t be able ignore it.
3.    Daily goals. Daily goals are great on days when you have a lot to accomplish. Fit in your writing needs for the day and check off things as you finish them. Be sure to leave your list where you can see it!

Dear Readers,
I’m getting ready to leave for a few days and I’m contemplating whether to take my computer along or leave it  behind and forget about writing and marketing for three days. Maybe I need “trip” goals!
Thanks for stopping by and have a great week,