
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What to Do When You Just Don’t Feel Like It!

Writers – What to Do When You Just Don’t Feel Like It!

            It isn’t writer’s block. It’s not a glitch in the process. You know where your writing is going and what the next step will be. But—you feel like you need to tie yourself to the computer to get anything done. Any little distraction takes you away from what you should be doing.
            Sound familiar?
            I just got back from a rather grueling two-day, 500-mile trip. I returned home to find to 278 emails to address, three projects awaiting completion, a blog to write, and a submission to send to my critique group, which I hadn’t finished writing. And my dog keeps staring at me because she hasn’t had a walk in two days!  What I really feel like doing is nothing.
            The topic for this blog was easy—how to get out of this state.
1)   Determine just what’s going on. Feeling overwhelmed? Tackling too much at once? Decide if you really need to do something else, something unrelated to anything to do with your writing.
2)   If it is getting away that you need, make sure it’s something fun.
3)   If you’re hiding from a long list of things to do, start small.
4)   Make a list of everything that needs doing. Then do everything on the list that’s short. The feeling of well-being you get from their completion will get you back in the swing of things.
5)   If your list is short, and all the things on your list are big projects, allot 30 minutes to each of them every day until they’re finished.
6)   Read a great book, preferably in your own genre. This will inspire you to look at your writing with new eyes.
7) A reader just added a great tip! Put on your favorite music and let it restore your creativity and inspire you. Experiment a little and try classical music. It is said to spike creativity.

Dear readers,
I’ve been doing a little of all these things to get out of my rut today. Got this blog done, my submission in, and took the dog for a long walk. For me, walking stokes my creative juices. I’m feeling much better now and am back to a heightened state of productivity.
If you have some things that work for you, let us know. It’s always helpful to get feedback from our writer-friends!
Hope you’re all having a great week,


  1. Hi Marla,
    I guess that 500 mile trip helps pay the bills!
    Your blog has some good points.
    What I do, to get away for a while, is go for a walk in the woods near my house. Fresh air, exercise, and quiet surroundings!
    When I return to "The Screen", I feel invigorated.
    Might even come up with a new idea to add to my list!
    Writer Dave

    1. Yes, as I'm fond of saying, writing arbitration awards is the writing I get paid for! lol
      But at least I've made enouogh $$ on book one to finance the costs of book 2!
      Good luck with yours, Dave. Maybe one of these days I'll have time to read my copy!

  2. Marla,
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one who runs into this issue! lol When I do, I usually turn to a craft project to help me over the hump.
    The time I seem to notice doing this the most is when I'm trying to revise/edit.
    In fact, that's just what I should be doing now. lol
    Happy Writing.

    1. Hi SD,
      Good to have another interest you can fall back on! Unfortunately, food is my fix of choice! LOL
      Yeah, the revising and editing just screams for distractions, doesn't it? Good luck with it, my friend.
      Have a wonderful weekend,

  3. And I thought it was just me! I try hard to concentrate on a list of what i need to do...I work through it the best I can. We are after all, only human.

    I am taking walking seriously, its therapeutic to get away from it all, if only for thirty minutes at a go in my case. Good post.

    1. Nice to see you, Marie!
      Yes, I love walking too. Yesterday it rained here (finally!) so I didn't get as much walking in. Made such a difference in how I felt and slept!
      Lists are great. I also do a weekly list of writing goals and exchange with a writer friend. Keeps me going when I share it!
      Have a wonderful week,

  4. Have a great night, Marla! Great article! I'm there this week between day job, edits & home life :-)

    1. Kudos to you and other writers who also have a day job! My work is only part-time and tends to be
      infrequent. That feeling of being overwhelmed hits us all, though. Good luck with it. Try to take time for a short walk. It helps!
      Thanks for stopping by,

  5. Great Advice here and the walking... yes. Exercise of any kind does it for me, it must be the grounding aspect of it?

    Love your words!

    1. Walking is so great for health and attitude. I rarely miss a day of my 10,000 steps (I wear a pedometer) but when I do, I can feel the difference.
      Keep walking and writing. With a digital recorder you can even do both at the same time!
      Take care, April,

  6. Great piece, especially as I am just in that very position - will follow your advice!

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I think we all end up there now and then. The important thing is to find what works for you to get
      you back on track. Then remember what that is! Journal it or paste a sticky note on your computer so
      next time you'll be prepared.
      Have a great day,

  7. Very good suggestions! I definitely needed to read this today...I'm going to start small and then work on reading a good book to get inspired : )

    Thanks for sharing these tips!

  8. I try to make a list, which I keep on a little mmory stick and try to update. Trouble is I can't always find the memory stick! I fully identify with this problem you describe; I have a day job teaching and two dogs, and there are always 250-odd emails and tweets, and I'm trying to write another book. But at the end of the day the book writing and planning always seems too difficult, and twitter is so easy and compulsive, so ... I don't know. Self-discipline needed here. Where can I find some? Maybe on the web? I'll just google it ...

    1. Hi, Tim, good to hear from you!
      Ach! I lose notes and lists, too.The worst is when I write down directions and an address, then forget the note when I leave!
      It's so hard with a day job when really want to rest after you get home. And the dogs want a walk! Try a file card in front of your computer (prop it up) so you have to see it. On it write in bold, "Just Do It!!!." OR something else that convinces you to do something productive. Sometimes it really helps me to get a small thing; it can keep me in the productive mode! Or not. But you'll feel better knowing you got something done.
      Have a nice weekend,

  9. These were great suggestions! Thanks! Sometimes, when I'm in a rut I listen to really upbeat music. That usually gets me energized.

    1. Nice to hear from you, Christine!
      Music is another good one. I should have remembered to add that. It can really give me
      a pick-me-up, too.
      Thanks for visiting,

  10. Well-timed article for me! Autumn is here and all I want to do is go outside and roam around in the red and orange woods. It's inspiring, but no immediate results to show for it. But I like to look at it like I'm storing up inspiration to ferment for when I get back to writing. Works for me.

    1. Hi Wendy,
      Yes, autumn can be very distracting! Take a 30 minute walk and bring your camera. You'll be invigorated and have some great pics to remember the season by.
      Glad you've found what works for you! Take care and thanks for stopping by.

  11. Marla,

    finally took the time to read your blog - LOVE IT !!!

    Will be back for sure.

    Have a wonderful evening,

    Doris @111publishing

    1. Thanks, Doris! So nice to hear from you. Hard at work now on three projects: re-proofing my first book, proofing my latest that I want to publish anytime now, and starting on my third! Days when it all makes me
      feel overwhelmed, I hate doing anything!
      Good luck with your writing,

  12. I listen to my favorite albums of random genre and watch Youtube's reality talent show to calm the stress and let my mind wander away from the here and now temporarily. Music's always been the instant cure for me.

    1. Great thought! I forgot that one. I have to add it. Music can be so inspirational to most of us. I have a friend who teaches art to high school students. Believe it or not, she says they are better behaved and much more creative when she plays classical music during lesson time!
      Thanks for the suggestion!


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