
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Is There a "BEST" Time for a Book Release?

Is There a “BEST” Time for a Book Release?


What’s the best time to release a new book? Having missed my release deadline for my new suspense novel, I’ve been doing a lot of pondering on the subject. I released my first book in July, and was hoping to get the second one on in December, in time for Christmas gift giving.
Now it’s back to decision time.

Some thoughts on when to release:
1.     Summer – People are busy during the summer. There are so many things to do, that reading may be at the bottom of their list. But there are vacations, right? Nothing better than a good book while lying on a chaise next to the pool!
2.     Spring – Again, a time when everyone’s thinking about their yards, weddings, graduations, etc. But also, they are planning vacations. Might be the time for buying those vacation books!
3.     Winter holiday season – This might seem ideal, but once more, people are stressed out with everything they have to do, and may be putting books and reading on the back burner. But books as gifts may change the equation, right?
4.     Post-holidays – What better way to laugh at cabin fever than with a good book? Not as many things going on, may be the perfect release time.
5.     Autumn – Everyone’s favorite season. A great time for reading? Could be perfect if you’re writing horror or suspense. Anything tied to the occult, too. Bring it on in October!
6.     October and February - I’ve added these months as a multi-published author recently touted those as the best months for a book release.  

            What’s the answer? Well, one could get the book ready early, then choose to wait until December (or October or February) to release it, but who among us authors wants to wait once our “baby” is ready?
            Tell us, what do you think? Is the holiday season the best time for a new release?

Dear Readers,
I really wanted my new suspense novel, Relative Malice, to be on Amazon as both an ebook and print book before Christmas. I figured books would be peaking in sales at that time. I didn’t make it.
            I’ve consoled myself, thinking maybe a January debut would be even better. People would have more time with their shopping done, parties over, and company gone home. Sour grapes? Hard to tell. And personally, the Christmas season is not the best time for an author. Add the stress of everything that goes into getting a book ready to release to that of preparing for the holidays, and it makes a less than joyless season for a writer!
            Suggestions? I’d love to hear them!


  1. Just like you, I was hoping for a December release of my romantic suspense novel, THE RIGHT WRONG MAN. Like you, I missed the mark. I'm hoping for an early January release. I'm not sure the season makes a difference - the quality of the book, and the amount of time an author spends marketing, that DOES make a difference.

    1. Good to know I'm not the only one! My book is finally with the formatter, so should be out soon. I agree, the content is certainly more important than the release date. But marketing our work is, unfortunately, a big part of the battle for recognition. After researching release dates, I'm thinking after the holidays is a better time. Cabin fever season is a great time for reading!
      Happy New Year to you and your family, may 2013 bring you great things!

  2. Add me to the 'missed the mark' group. I had hoped for a November release of The Butterfly Fields, but life got in the way. Like you, I thought about it, and decided that after the holidays would be better. I am hoping for mid-January. A release during the holidays risks the possibility of getting lost in the sea of new releases and holiday freebie smorgasbord. Here in the upper plains, most people read the most during the coldest months of winter. Late December through March. I also do most of my intensive writing during those months. Happy New Year and all the best with your release.

    1. Hi Donna,
      You've added another good point! I didn't think about there being more competition during the holidays. It's going to be January for me, too. You're right about the winter months. I read more then and like you, write more. I live in NW Wisconsin and lots of our friends leave for the winter, so a lot less going on now.
      You didn't mention your genre, but if you write suspense, let me know.
      Have a wonderful 2013 and much success!

  3. Looks as if there are quite a few of us who missed the planned December release. I was hoping to release my third book, A Guardian Reborn, but time flew by and here we are in January, and no release date yet. Donna made a very good point about so many books being released before Christmas, which would be detrimental to visibility. Personally, I don't think there is a right or wrong time; there are pros and cons with them all.
    Best wishes for the new year and the release of your book.
    W.H. Cann

    1. Hi,
      Thanks for visiting my blog! How are your book sales going? Good to hear you have a new one coming. Yes, we seem to have a lot of company missing the holiday deadline. Not so sure anymore it's a bad thing because my blog hits went way down over the holidays. I think we may be better off releasing in January or February. You're right. I don't think there really is a BAD time. So much depends on your marketing plan, and of course, that evil stepsister--LUCK!!
      May she smile on you with your new release,

    2. I like the way you lable LUCK as the evil stepsister, so true. Shame more of us couldn't have LUCK as a fairy godmother instead! Downloads of Bk 1 are okay. Even though it is free on Smashwords, it isn't breaking any records, far from it. Bk 2 is, well, dead slow, probably because it's a series and reliant on Bk 1. Maybe Bk 3 will stir things along. How are sales with you? May the evil stepsister be more of a godmother this year for you, (and me)!
      W.H. Cann

    3. Luck seems to have two branches, the first being totally unpredictable. The other requires lots of work: trying new things, maintaining a presence on various book related sites, supporting other authors, and getting your writing noticed. The more you do, the greater chance luck will strike! It can be very frustrating.
      The only thing that really helps sales for me, is the KDP free promotions. It boosts sales, and exposure. Also earns me enough $$ to pay for the cost of publishing my next book!
      Happy writing,

  4. Writer Dave Here.
    Hi Marla, I've had hardly any time recently for my writing. My step-sons and their families came over for the holidays. Enjoyable chaos!
    As far as I'm concerned any time is a good time to release when you are finished with the book.
    But I,m in the midst of writing my second novel and as soon as I'm finished and happy with it I will release immediately. The more books you have out there the more name recognition you have.
    I can't wait to read Relative Malice!
    Take Care,
    Dave Wise aka Writer Dave

    1. HI,
      I think we all have similar dilemmas over the holidays! You've reminded me that I haven't had a chance to read your latest story.
      I'm working on getting RM formatted now, so it shouldn't be too much longer. Sure is a lot of work, even when someone else is helping!
      Have a wonderful New Year,

  5. Good morning Marla,

    I released my book on 12-12-12 (coulnd't help myself) and while it was an exciting experience with lots of face time at holiday mixers, I've been told by dozens of people they were too busy/tired/hectic to get home and buy the BUY IT NOW button. Most of those sales are now spreading out into January - so I probably should have let them all lump together. Late January/February are excellent choices!

    Best of luck!

    1. This certainly has been an interesting discussion. Not sure anymore that there is one BEST time, but I'm starting to think the author who advocated October and February had the right idea. Mine will be out hopefully by mid or late January. Then the work of marketing it begins!
      Hope your sales skyrocket during cabin fever season1

  6. I published my most recent novel in early December. My plan was more about getting the word out about it during December so that when January rolled around, the sales might start to come with all those Amazon gift cards and new Prime Memberships. It seemed to work. My sales were so-so in December, but rose starting January 1st. Have had quite a few Amazon borrows - which are probably worth more than sales right now. My previous novel was released in March 2012, and it did remarkably well between March and June. I can't say there is any one time that is better than the rest of the year to publish, but for me, winter/spring have worked so far. Best wishes with your new novel!

    1. I think your plan makes sense, Deanna. Glad to hear it worked for you. Those borrows are great! They can be a nice source of profit for the author. It always is nice to make enough to finance the next one. LOL
      Thanks for the best wishes. Wishing you a happy and successful 2013!

  7. I released mine in December and it was okay. In my experience, the sales are picking up post-holiday. As you said; cabin fever and the craziness of the holiday activities are now history!

    Good luck!

    KC Rhoads

    1. I don't think it hurts to get it out there before the holidays. So much depends on your marketing plan. And Luck!
      Hope you sell tons of copies, KC! On to the next one, right?
      Have a super week,

  8. Hi, Marla,

    I had planned on getting my new story out around the 21-25, but failed to meet that deadline. However everyone I know told me after Christmas was better, so I'm hoping they're right. On the other hand, December was my best month so far. We'll see what January brings.

    1. I missed December, too. But after all the feedback I've heard from other authors, I'm not sure there is a Best time. I know my KDP promo worked the bes in February, but then it was the first time I did it and they do better the first showing. I'm working on a third suspense book now, and I know I won't feel the same pressure to get it on in December.
      Good luck in January, Juli!

  9. I'm in the finding an agent phase. But I believe each book has its own right time to be released. If your story opens in spring, then release it in March.
    Just a thought.

  10. I envy your stamina! I never had the energy to do the agent search, so I chose to self publish.
    Good luck, Manju, hope you find the right agent and have a successful 2013!

  11. Thank you, Marla. Good wishes to you as well.

  12. Hi, Marla

    I've released my book last on December and, at least in my country (Spain) it's not a good month for releasing a book. I realized that I should released it earlier (October or November would been better) or later. I hope I can get some reviews and make some noise with my book now that holidays have finished.

    Anyway, according my short experience in publishing, best months for releasing a book could be October&November or May&Jun. This way, you release before people start looking for books to buy for holidays and you have time to get some reviews and send press releases. Don't you agree?

    Thaks for this post!


  13. Hi Literautas,
    I wouldn't think where you live would make a difference. But as I mentioned earlier, a very experienced author wrote that October and February were the best times. It makes sense when you think about it. That is close to what you suggested, too. Yes, I agree!
    I'm working on my third book now. Hearing from everyone here has relieved the pressure of trying to get a holiday release. Unless it goes faster then expected, I'll be shooting for early spring.
    Thanks for visiting and good luck with the reviews!

  14. I am an avid reader, I read all year long, most of the times several books simultaneously. I have noticed the season I read the most is winter though. I like being wrapped up in my warm blanket, drinking coffee and croissants and reading. If I like a book too much, I will stay up all night trying to finish it!

    1. Hi Mary,
      Nice to hear from you. I'm with you. Winter is the best time for reading! I read all the time, no matter how busy I am. Your scenario sounds delicious.
      In order not to fall into the "up all night syndrome" I never take a book to bed that I'm more that 2/3 the way through. Usually works, but not always.
      Take care, and enjoy those cold winter nights snuggled up with a book!

  15. Oh, I have to remember not to have read too much already... good advice! I can't even count all the sleepless nights, reading a book I just had to finish...adrenaline rush!
    I love romance, but I am into mystery/suspense a lot,and that makes tnings even more exciting for me to stop! LOL
    With flash fiction which is shorter,I can read even more. Had a reader who told me that he finished my flash fiction collection ''Take Off Your Mask'' in one night, so I am not alone.LOL

    1. It's always hard to stop reading a good book! I read suspense for the most part, occasionally mysteries or thrillers since there is such a fine line between them.
      Flash fiction is fun! I wrote a few when I was active on Fanstory. If you like FF, check their site out. They have a lot of contests of all kinds of writing, but FF is a regular. I write as MsCardshark.

  16. Replies
    1. If you mean your photo when you follow a blog, you may have to have a google profile if the blog is blogspot, and
      a wordpress profile if it's wordpress. I think it asks you when you follow a blog, then you can opt to put in a profile.
      If you use Chrome, you'll already have one, or if you have a blog on blogspot, but I don't think you have to have either to have a profile.

  17. Thanks, will check them out for sure! I like mystery and suspense in my stories as well...I love to explore the ''dark side'' so to speak. And I like the fast pace, get to the point soon, style of flash fiction. In my flash fiction collection ''Take Off Your Mask'' in Amazon, there is plenty of suspense and mystery...check it out and let me know what you think.

    PS: Still trying to upload the photo. LOL

  18. On another note , I am getting your novel ''She Is Not There'' really soon. Hooked already.LOL

    1. I'll check out your Flash, Mary. Thanks so much for trying my book. Hope you enjoy it!
      Have a great weekend,


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