
Tuesday, December 11, 2012



I made it through Thanksgiving week without gaining weight! But now the parties and treat trays have started. The lure of high-calorie temptation beckons and I feel myself weakening. It’s time to renew my vow of stability over the holidays.
            Lady Gaga sings, “I’m On The Edge of Glory,” wearing next to nothing with every lean inch of her looking great, her inspiring message nudging me to remember my vow. These are the days that put me on the edge of fatness. I need to remain aware.
            Complacency is that little devil inside me that keeps saying, “Go ahead. This is the season to enjoy. Worry about it later.”
It’s so easy to get caught up in all the good cheer and good food that surrounds me. Every day it’s getting harder not to fall into the sedated state of overeating. I keep telling myself I’d rather feel good about my body than overindulge. Staying aware is half the battle.
            Here come my tips for the party season. Excuse me if some are repetitive, but those may be worth reviewing—or tacking on the bathroom mirror.
              1 - Join a conversation as far from the food table as possible. 
              2 - I’ve been watching thin people and noticed that they don’t nibble. They take a small cocktail plate, fill it with offerings from the display, and DON’T go back. Follow their lead.
              3 - Bring a pack of gum. As soon as you’ve finished your plate, put a piece into your mouth as a reminder not to keep nibbling. It works!
  4 - Only eat the things you really want. The hostess won’t notice you’ve passed up one or two items.
  5 - On non-party days, eat sensibly!
  6 - Box and wrap all home made goodies as soon as they’re finished baking and gift them as soon as possible. Store them in a spot you won’t be tempted to pick at them every hour.

Dear readers,
One of my followers admonished me for encouraging restraint. It is, after all, the season to rejoice and indulge, he told me. But it is possible to indulge without ending up in January with a thicker waistline. The most important tip is to eat smart on the days there are no parties, and remember if you have an event in the evening, it doesn’t give you license to begin feasting early in the day!
Enjoy the Christmas season. Wishing all of you happy and healthy days ahead.


  1. Yeah the goal is to keep gluttony -- never a quality I admire in myself-- under control throughout the holidays!

    1. For me, too! The key is to enjoy the thing you love without going overboard. Hard to do, I know, but if you make it a habit, it will get easier.
      Have a wonderful Christmas, Julie,

  2. oh i really am glad it isn't just me that does this!! I'm keeping up the gym sessions and healthy eating right up to christmas eve to limit the damage and taking my snuggest fitting clothes to my partners house. This way i have to be sensible or else i will be going visiting in my pyjamas!! I have been dieting and training for so long though that even small indulgences will be wonderful!!

    1. No, you are definitely not alone, Manda. Good for you, keeping up your exercise program. I need to add that one! Also wearing your tighter clothes is another great idea. Thanks for sharing.
      Enjoy those small indulgences and have a wonderful Christmas season,

  3. Writer Dave Here.
    Marla do you have some TIGHTER clothes to wear?
    These are the jokes, you might as well laugh, they're not going to get any better!!!
    It's too late for me, Marla, I've already had three glasses of wine and three mince pies!
    Ha, ha! Roll on Christmas!

    1. Right now my clothes are loose! But if I keep up what I did the last couple days, they won't. I went to MN to Mall of America with two friends. Just got back. The food was great! And I spent too much money! Did do a huge amount of walking though. I'm hoping it offset my indulgences. LOL
      You are in the spirit, Dave!

  4. Great tips! You covered several of the ones that showed up in the books I researched for a piece I wrote for Huffington Post (my first! I'm so excited!):

    A week after writing that and I think what's really motivating me is the notion that I want to weigh the same or less on January 1 as I did on December 1 -- it's measurable and short-term so it's keeping my attention even during a busy season.

    1. Congratulations, Joy! Share your piece with me when you can, I'd love to read it.

      My goal is the same as yours--it's a tough one. I managed to gain only a half pound last year over
      the holidays and I'm hoping to make it that or less this year, too.
      Merry Christmas, and good luck with the goal,

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jennifer. I'm so glad you enjoyed the post. Have a wonderful, healthy, and
      happy Christmas season!

  6. There is only one solution and that is to ban eating holidays. It starts with halloween and then on to thanksgiving and then Christmas and New Years, surely we can come up with something? While you were at Mall of America did you stop at Dickie's and get some BBQ? My wife is wanting to go visit the Mall and Ikea and since Dickie's is nearby I will visit there?Have a great Holiday Season Marla,bill

    1. right! There are too many eating occasions. I try to diet on the off days in order to enjoy them!
      No, I didn't eat at Dickie's. We tried Tucci Benucci (not sure I spelled that right) because we were craving Italian. It was good!
      The Mall is quite the experience. Only for someone used to LOTS of walking! One of my friends did a lot of sitting and waiting for the other two who walk a lot regularly!
      It was my first time visiting IKEA. What a place! Another place to get lost in, but I love their candles and bought three packages.
      Tell your wife the mall is for the under forty crowd. I think we were the oldest people in it!
      Have a wonderful Christmas, Bill,


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