
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Chin Up!

5 Ways to Stay Positive in a Maniacally Competitive eBook Market

You’ve published your eBook. The first two months you had quite a few sales as your family and friends bought your book and spread the word. You’ve joined social media sites, and made a frantic effort to keep your participation organized. You’ve applied to reviewers, begging them to publicize your book and you’re discovering the good ones are backlisted until 2014! Sounding familiar?
If you haven’t discovered it yet—you have lots of company! Two traits of lucky people are that they look at failure as an opportunity to try new things and stay positive no matter what befalls them. For the rest of us who easily tumble into a hole of hopelessness, is there any way out?

1.     Forget about the hundreds of thousands of eBook writers out there, all fighting for their place in the sun! The important fact is this—there are millions of eBook reading-device owners getting in line to buy eBooks. The opportunities are out there. Make that your mantra.
2.     Keep writing.  It is easy to give up, tell yourself “okay, I tried it,” and move on to something else. I’ve said it before, but here it comes again—if you’re a new author, struggling to find yourself in the sea of uncertainty—join a critique group. If there isn’t one in your area, start one. Being in a group keeps you motivated, writing, and constantly improving your product.
3.     Take a short break.  The only one who can get you out of the dark place is you. If it’s a walk that works for you, a visit with a supportive friend, a funny movie, or an intimate evening with that someone special—do it.
4.     Set the book aside, but don’t stop writing.  Have an idea in your head for novel #2? Start outlining it. Belong to a writer’s site that has short story contests? Write an entry. Journal. Anything to keep honing your skills and reminding yourself that you’re a talented writer.
5.     Find new ways to promote your book. The same thing won’t work for every writer and the same thing won’t work every day. The more you make yourself visible, the more things you try, the greater your chances for eBook success. No matter how crappy you feel about marketing, you have to keep moving forward. It is not a fast process. Don’t let reports of a few overnight successes slow you down. Can it happen? Sure, but so can winning the lottery. You buy a lottery ticket but keep your day job, right? It’s okay to wish for that longshot, but in the meantime don't forget the turtle won the race!

Dear readers,
Thanks for reading. For those who have followed this blog from day one, I'm still working on my 2012 weight loss goal. My weight has been stubbornly staying the same, but I've learned from years of dieting, that's how I lose weight. So, like book marketing, I keep going and consider the 1 1/2 pound I've lost as a good beginning. March is the perfect time to revisit those New Year's Goals.


  1. Writer Dave Here,
    Joining an online writing forum also is a good way to get feedback.
    Before I release my ebook, I have worked hard to make myself more visible.
    I have a blog, a Facebook page, and a twitter account.
    Dave Wise

    1. thanks for reading, Dave! You are doing a good job with all your marketing. Good luck.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement. I consider writing to be a journey in which each stop along the way is as worthwhile as the destination.


    1. Great attitude, Callie! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Encouraging advice for the newbie to e-publishing like me! Sometimes the numbers out there seem overwhelming, but you're right -- we have to remember that there are many more readers than writers in the world. Thanks, Marla!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Sandra! Glad you enjoyed the message. Nice to know there is lots of company out there.

  4. Hello Marla...

    You're spot on about what works for one author may not work for another. I'm not ready to launch yet, but I know I'd be disheartened to see my book languishing at the bottom of the e-pile while others are zooming to the top of the Kindle list. I also think it's important to remember that books aren't widgets. Although we can apply the same marketing strategies as another, each book is unique and appeals to different readers.

    I'd like to believe that the key to success is to keep writing and become a better writer.

    1. You're exactly right, Jennifer. Every author and book is unique and everyone's marketing attempts will differ. But when it comes right down to it, hard work pays off, first to end up with a polished product and then to get it noticed.
      Thanks for visiting!

  5. Just when I needed it the most! Thank you, Marla.

  6. We all have to stick together! Encouragement helps, I get my down days frequently and have to push myself to keep trying new things. Good to hear
    from you. Keep writing!



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