
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Elusive Luck


As I write this , I can picture Tina Turner in a red-sequined minidress, wailing out the title for all of us struggling authors, set to music and her incredible dance routine.
The word “luck,” beaten and bastardized, has been tossed around like an evil stepchild whenever book-marketing success (or lack thereof) is discussed.
            For two days this week, I took advantage of KDP’s, (Kindle Direct Publishing), Select promotion and placed my suspense eBook, She’s Not There, for free download on Amazon. At the end of the two days, I’d only had 8,202 downloads compared to a friend’s 26,000 downloads using the same promotion. She told me, “Well there was a lot of luck involved.” Her luck, she said, was due to the fact that a popular eBook site noticed her promotion and highlighted it for followers. Were she not a close friend I may not have questioned her comment. She is, however, and I happen to know her “luck” did not occur by chance.
            I know firsthand her success is not all due to luck. She’s a devoted marketer, and spends her every available moment doing anything possible to keep up her book sales’ momentum going. Me, I’m addicted to things like Spider Solitaire, playing bridge and watching The Young and the Restless; my marketing ethic is not nearly as fierce!
Luck is more likely to happen to those who go after it. As odd luck would have it, (no pun intended) I was in a waiting room for my scheduled eye check up this week and spotted a magazine with an article about luck. The receptionist was nice enough to copy it for me. Reading it, I quickly saw how everything in Rebecca Webber’s article on luck applied to all of us self-published authors.
You can make your own luck, she says, and goes on to describe traits of lucky people.
1.    Lucky People Expect the Best
Lucky people believe they will be successful. Research shows that if you do, your odds of hitting a lucky streak go up. Ben Fletcher, PhD, a professor of psychology at the University of Hertfordshire, says there’s no magic involved—expectancy is a real driver of behavior. Having a firm belief creates a good outcome because it motivates you to make it happen. He says, “Expecting something as opposed to wanting or hoping for it, will affect your decision-making. You’ll be more inclined to act on your expectations and put in more of an effort.”
 Writers—find ways to stay positive and expect success—it works!
2.    Lucky People Notice What Others Miss
It’s not the chance situations in life that are different, but a person’s ability to see what’s right in front of him. Lucky people are more open to random opportunities. They notice them, unlucky people don’t. Lucky people are flexible in their thinking, and it’s that relaxed, open attitude that allows them to see what other don’t.
Keep your eyes open for opportunities—they’re out there!
3.    Lucky People Say “Yes”
 They do not remain passive. Instead they seize opportunities as they come without endless second-guessing. “When chance encounters occur, don’t overthink them, act on them. The only way to guarantee that you won’t get a great opportunity is by not seizing the moment.” (Don Saucier, PhD, associate professor of psychology at Kansas State University.)
            Don’t procrastinate—do it!
4.    Lucky People Switch Things Up
By meeting new people and trying new things, lucky people increase their chances of getting opportunities. Luck won’t come looking for you or knocking at your door. The more you put yourself out there, the more likely it is you will find luck.
            Experiment—try things other writer’s recommend.
5.    Lucky People Bounce Back
They don’t let one failure sidetrack their road to success. When you let a bad break get you down, you close the door on other situations that could lead to a lucky break. Closely linked to the first trait, expecting the best, bouncing back means you will actually have a greater chance of success with each failure because you’ll be trying more often.
            Regard each bad break as an opportunity to find the right course for you!

Anyone interested in reading Rebecca Webber's article on lucky people, it is in the January issue of Woman's Day magazine.

Dear readers,
            Although I didn’t spell out detailed ways these traits apply to the self-published author, I’m sure their relevance is obvious. I also didn’t add how they also pertain to all of us dieters. The traits practiced by lucky people all apply to the overweight as we fight for a leaner body. Since I struggle with both marketing my book and dropping fat from my body, I keep plugging along and cherish every success no matter how small.
Thanks for following my route,


  1. Excellent post, Marla! I'm off to share!

  2. Thanks, Sandy! Glad you had time to read it. Sure do
    appreciate your help.

  3. "LUCK", is there such a thing?
    It certainly doesn't come out of the blue!
    In the final analysis, if you stick to your goals and grasp opportunities, the "luck" comes.
    In marketing your book, if you persevere, you might get "lucky".
    The life-long dieter is fighting a losing battle, we like eating too much.
    Writer Dave

  4. You're exactly right. Luck doesn't come out of the blue and doing everything you can will increase your chances of luck finding you.
    Must say, dieting is a different problem than writing! We do eat too much, don't we?

  5. I love your positive outlook. I will share this around.

  6. Thanks, Madeline! There are definitely days (especially for us writers) that it is difficult to maintain a positive attitude. Maybe that needs to be the subject of my next blog effort!

  7. Wonderful and perceptive post! :) Thanks for this!

  8. so glad you liked it, Delilah! Great name, by the way. Thanks for reading.

  9. True!
    Being positive, grinding and sharing enthusiasm goes 90% of the way. Showing up every day, increases the odds of luck falling in place on the right day.
    C G
    Author of The Lucky Boy

    here's my left hand giving you a penny open your left ( considered good omen in other cultures :) )

  10. Thanks Caroline! Appreciate your comments and love good omens!


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