
Friday, July 11, 2014

At Least We Met Joe Konrath

At Least We Met Joe Konrath

How successful were our Muskyfest book sales?

Myself and six other authors (Me, above with Dave Tindell and Rob Bignell, a rose between two thorns.) rented enough space for three tents at a local craft fair in Hayward,Wisconsin called Muskyfest.
            It became apparent early the first day of the two-day event that our book sales weren’t going to be what we’d hoped. Discouraged, we comforted ourselves with cashew turtles, home made ice cream, ham and cheese paninis, Famous Dave’s ribs, and deep-fried cheese curds.
            On the afternoon of the first day, I heard a man’s voice coming from Donna Glaser and Marjorie Doering’s tent. He was talking about self-publishing and from where I sat, sounded like a know it all.
            Lesson learned? Never make hasty judgments. Joe Konrath, one of today's most successful independent authors, happened to be in the area, and once I met him, I couldn’t have been more impressed. He took the time to speak with each of us authors and even whipped out his phone and ordered every one of our books right on the spot.
            After he left, we all decided (especially Donna, who’s never one to be too contained when excited, and danced with glee) that if nothing else, we enjoyed a lot of good food and got to meet Joe Konrath.
It’s only fitting, while on the subject of Konrath, to pass on some of his advice to independent authors. If you have already heard it—read it again—it’s worth a reminder.
1.     Butt in Chair Time spent not writing is wasted. The best way to     promote your work is having a lot of it out there.
2.    Make your work entertaining.  Cut anything that is nonessential to the story.
3.    Write before editing. Tell your internal editor to shut up until you’ve written the last page.
4.    Keep writing. Refer back to number one.
5.    Write what you like to read Good authors are readers.

To see all forty-two of Konrath’s tips for writers, take time to read Marelisa
 Fabrega’s interview.

            Konrath’s blog:

Dear readers,

Looking at Konrath’s tips reminded me that the most important thing for writers is to write. It’s so easy to get caught up in online marketing and book promotion events. The other sad reminder was all the time and money I spent in the event in Hayward. Konrath said he gave up all such things a long time ago and feels they do little to actually promote sales. I’d better get butt in chair and go back to my wrting.
Till next time, take care,



  1. Wow. I would so love to hear Joe talk in person. I've followed his blog for a long time. Ham and cheese Panini sounds pretty good.

    1. Yeah, the Paninis were great! The story went around to all the vendors and gave out fliers. Just had to call in your order and they delivered.
      I was wonderful to meet Konrath in person. I liked that he took time to give us his best advice, which was, as always, keep writing! He's right. It's too easy to get caught up in all the other things.
      Nice to hear from you Susan,

  2. Writer Dave Here,
    I agree with Konrath, keep writing and writing!
    I will finish my third book in early Nov.
    By the way, Marla, you look pretty good as the ROSE!!!

    1. Rose??
      Yes, I love his favorite line, Butt in Chair! Glad you're sticking with it Dave.


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