
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Summer Slump, 7 ways writers can survive poor sales and heavy distractions.

Summer Slump

7 ways writers can survive poor sales and heavy distractions.

Finding it difficult to stay positive when book sales drop 

and warm-weather activities beckon? You aren’t alone. 

There are five authors in my writers’ group, and one by 

one, we’re feeling the effects of July on our book sales and

 our attitudes. We’ve commiserated and come up with a 

list of ways to stay focused and positive.

1.                    Take a break without guilt. Sit on the porch and read a book, go for a walk, enjoy a parade, a festival, whatever makes you feel good on a summer day.
2.                   Try something new to market your writing.  If you’re one of the many whose sales have gone south since June, try something different. Do an interview on your blog, try a Goodreads giveaway, something you haven’t done before.
3.                   Plan ahead.  Use your time to work on the next big push for your book, a new release, or short story. The most successful events are well thought-out. Be sure your next one is great.
4.                   Don’t omit writing time. Try setting a page goal for the coming week. It’s hard to do a daily commitment during summer, but setting a page goal will keep you using the time you do have. Keep your goal achievable!
5.                   Examine your successes.  Look back on what has worked for you during the past months. Don’t lose sight of the things that you both enjoyed doing and worked well for you. With those in mind, develop a plan for fall.
6.                   Carry a notebook or a small recorder.  Creative ideas can pop into our heads when we’re having fun. Find a way to capture them.
7.                   Misery loves company. Spend some time with fellow writers. Brainstorm with them. You’ll be amazed how much better you’ll feel having shared your doldrums and bounced new ideas around.

Dear Readers,
I try to blog on issues I’m dealing with myself and this one sure fits in that niche, unfortunately. My book sales have gone south, and my attitude with it. Hopefully you’ll enjoy knowing that you aren’t the only one, or even better, share a pointer or two if your summer is going well.
I’m writing this on a hot, muggy day in NW Wisconsin, one in which the bugs and the humidity make going outdoors a challenge! So at least outdoor temptations aren’t too bad. Of course, the screen porch is calling my name right now, with a good novel (Marcia Clark’s latest, Killer Ambition) and a glass of lemonade.
Till next time, hope you had a great Fourth and are enjoying summer,


  1. Thank you for this most timely post! Having a discouraging day, and you're right. Maybe what I need to do is take a break and give the muse room to move.

    1. HI Kathryn,
      It's hard for writers to stay positive, especially in the summer. Where are all those beach readers we keep hearing about? Yes, we need to make time in our schedules for fun, not just those social events we have to do.
      Glad you commented and happy that you enjoyed the blog.
      Have a great summer,

  2. It's hard to sit at your computer and work when everyone else is out playing.

    1. HI Richard,
      I know what you mean! I'm having the same problem. I'm trying to make sure that on days there isn't something fun going on, I take at least an hour or two to work on my writing. You'll write much better after having some good times!
      Nice to hear from you,

  3. I write every day no matter what because the HABIT of writing is the most important. I don't believe in the nonsense "muses" that come and inspire me. Good Lord! My creativity is in my brain and not some ethereal wisp of whatever. I believe that even if what I write on a given day is crap, it will fertilize the overall piece and help it grow in some way. As for sales, I don't operate under the delusion that I am going to "make it" as a big writer and live happily ever after. I have a M-F job that pays nicely and that is my career. I publish, but I'm OK if two people read it--thankfully more than that do.

    1. Hi,
      I agree about the "muse" concept. You're right about setting up good habits, and I for one, need to get back on a writing schedule. For me, setting a weekly page amount works well because I may have days that are better for writing than others.
      You have a super attitude about your writing! Congrats.
      Thanks for stopping in,

  4. Writer Dave Here.
    I recently took a break to sunny Bournemouth. I met new people, got a few new ideas and
    I even sold an ebook!
    Don't feel guilty!

    1. Glad to hear you had a great trip! I think a break like that is good for one's writing, can clear the cobwebs and inspire new ideas!
      Nice to hear from you,

  5. Marla, When vacationing I take my camera. I put photos that illustrate my novels up on pinterest. Sometimes a photo will stimulate new ideas for scenes. I might combine the beautiful house in a small town with the willows beside a creak when I describe a new setting. Vacationing is good for research.

    1. Great idea, Delinda! This is the first time I've used a personal photo on my blog, my son and our dog lazing on the end of the pier. It reminded me that taking and using some of my own photos can be a good option for the blog. Photos as scene prompts is a brilliant idea!
      Thanks for reminding us of using a vacation wisely in addition to having fun.
      Loved getting your feedback.

  6. Marla, as an author I'm also feeling the effects of poor book sales this summer, but when I read your "Tweet" I perked up, so to speak. If you're interested in doing book promotion this summer, I'd like to invite you to be a guest on my blog in August. I host a weekly blog to promote authors and their novels. Please contact me at: And be sure to check out, Evey's Writer's Blog as long as you're on my website.
    Evelyn Cullet
    Masterpiece of Murder
    Love, Lies and Murder - September, 2013

    1. Hi Evelyn,
      Sorry to hear you're one of us who is experiencing the slump! Yes, I'd love to appear on your blog. Will send you an email.
      Have a nice week, and thanks for visiting.

  7. Your clear advice and wise world have obviously hit a chord with your readers. I have a thought that cultivating self belief by whatever mans can be a great help. This might be about reflecting on past successes, but also looking an writing not yet published and recognising that it is good stuff and that the whole process has its intrinsic rewards.
    Just come across your blog and am enjoying it.

    1. Thanks Wendy! Nice to meet you here.
      So true about self belief. I'm beating up on myself today because I have gotten notices from KDP that there are typos in both of my suspense novels. Especially painful when I've paid to have them professionally proofed. I have to accept my humanity and work on my self belief. Next book--even MORE proofing! Food for the next blog. LOL
      Have a great weekend,

  8. Hello Marla,
    my #11 would be: Write lots of REVIEWS!!! Make other writers happy and they might return the favor. And write and offer guest blogs to your writer friends.

    Happy summer, enjoy the sun and the light.

    Cheers, Doris

    1. Hi Doris!
      I'm happy to hear from you again. I see your Twitter reach keeps expanding. Good for you. I appreciate your advice. I've got a couple guest postings in the works now, and am staying on the lookout for more opportunities for them.
      I do always review the books I read. Unfortunately, I only read suspense books. I don't like to review a book that isn't in my genre as it is so difficult to feel confident of what I write about another genre.
      Also, so many of the eBooks offered just aren't engaging, and I no longer do reviews on books I can't finish. For me, if a book isn't at least a 3-star read, I set it aside. So, what I'm getting at, is it's hard to do reviews for everyone. And I've learned the hard way to NEVER do a review exchange.

    2. Marla,
      if you ever have time for a guest post on
      please let me know.
      I love to have one written by you, please let me know if you ever have time for one more, also I am not very good in least at the moment, I am writing one blog post EVERY day, plus my publishing/marketing clients, and giving weekend seminars in summer including travel.

      Cheers, and have a great week,

    3. Hi Doris,
      I'm honored to hear from you twice today! Yes, I'd love to do a guest post on your blog. No need to reciprocate. I've never done guest writers on mine. Not sure if I will, although I have been looking for someone to write on the differences between proofing, editing, line editing, etc. No one seems to know and everyone has a different opinion!
      I can't imagine doing a blog every day! I've found many of yours to be very interesting and helpful.
      Just let me know the date you'd need it, word count, and topic.

  9. Hi Marla, I see you on Twitter all the time although you do not follow me nor do I follow you. I too have been feeling the "summer slump" as you have dubbed it. I'm so glad that I am not alone, but yes I have attributed the drop in sales to summer activities and noted that I myself have not been reading as much for that very reason. I encourage everyone to keep writing, keep creating, and perhaps draw from some of your summer activities for your storylines. I race Thoroughbreds, so I've been watching those "characters" at the racetrack for fodder.

    Have a wonderful summer, Marla--it will soon be time to snuggle up near the fireplace with a good read and sales will improve!


    1. HI Cindy!
      I looked for you on TWitter, but there are so o o many Cindy McDonalds! Send me your Twitter tag and I 'll follow you.
      I'm one of the few that read even more in the summer! Nothing more wonderful that sitting on my screen porch (It faces the lake and is surrounded by pine trees, birds singing and eagles fishing) with a good book. Unfortunately, a bag of chips adds a lot to that picture! LOL
      Nice to hear from you. Keep reading,

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