
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Week Eight - The Party's Over

The Party’s Over – Back to writing and sensible eating.

When all the company left, my first thought was, “time to get back to sensible eating and to my writing!”
I’m feeling bloated and my waistbands are pinching. But what do I do with all the remains—the fudge, cookies, potato chips, cheese spread and crackers, truffles, chocolate turtles, sour cream mashed potatoes, pineapple casserole and those other tempting goodies that I didn’t manage to send home with my company?
            All these treats are a real dilemma for me since Terry announced that as of now, he is back on his no-carb diet! This leaves me with two choices; freeze it, or toss it. Or possibly, option three, have Terry hide the candy from me (so at least I can ration my indulgences). 
Time for a plan!
Tips for the day after the binge.
1.     Nix the guilt! You enjoyed the holiday and being with your loved ones. Remember all the wonderful moments and move on.
2.     Don’t weigh yourself immediately. Give your body a day or two to stabilize first!
3.     New Year’s is nearing. Forget resolutions. Resolutions are nothing but hidden forms of punishment and we just agreed to leave guilt behind.
4.     Instead, make goals for the year. These can be weekly goals, monthly goals or just an outline of where you want to be in your life at this time next year. Most important—make them realistic!
5.     Keep your goal list in a place where you will see it and review it regularly.
6.     Be sure some of your goals are fun things. Avoid anything you dread doing. If you want to lose weight, find a food plan you can live with. If regular exercise is one of your goals, make it something your enjoy. For writers, walking is wonderful for creative thinking. One of my goals is to buy a mini-recorder so I can save my walking ideas.
7.     Freeze all the leftovers for later or give them to a family in need.
8.     Prevent post-holiday letdown by making one of your goals something you’ve wanted to do but been putting off: writing that new book, taking the cooking class you’ve always wanted, joining a yoga class, visiting a friend in another state. Take one step toward that goal in order to be sure 2012 includes something new to look forward to.

I hope all of you had a happy and healthy Christmas! I’m wishing you the very best for the New Year. Thank you for following the Ten Pounds of Christmas and helping me to make this year only a three-pound Christmas season!


  1. Finally starting to feel like I'm lost some of my staying slim motivation, so I checked your blog series out. Nice posts! I've got my goals laid out already and I guess they are all fun in a twisted way.
    Happy New Year!

  2. Good for you! Twisted? Care to share?
    One weekend to go before the holiday eating ends. I'm feeling good about only putting on two pounds so far (since November) but have to be sensible this weekend to keep any additions away!

  3. I so understand the title of your blog. I love to read and eat. It's almost automatic: open a book, reach for food.

    I lost a lot of weight last year but have since been putting back on. Must stop that. I'll probably be back to visit your blog often. I need your advice and suggestions. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Please share your thoughts!