
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The fireworks are over, the red-white-and-blue place-mats put away, and my first novel, She's Not There, is published as an eBook. Quite an accomplishment. The process of formatting and uploading an author's hard work is formidable since writers don't tend to be technical geniuses. Now that task is behind me.
I could complain about all the food I indulged in over the holiday, or the margaritas I consumed, but no one wants to hear about that. And what are holidays for anyway? Food, friends, and fun.

My next hurdle, getting a hard copy of my book set up on Createspace, appears to be insurmountable. And the fees for the site's assistance are very painful to the pocketbook. What to do? I put the question to you, dear blog readers. Any ideas? Is there a formatter out there who works for cheap? All thoughts on this dilemma appreciated.

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